Flatulence – a remedy to relieve painful gas accumulation

8 useful tips for flatulence

Flatulence is a natural phenomenon and is part of healthy digestion.

However, when too much air accumulates in the abdomen, unpleasant or even embarrassing feelings arise in the affected persons.

At first, the abdomen feels very bloated, and cramping pains may also occur.

Subsequently, various intestinal noises including strong odors occur, with which the gases escape from the body.

Those who are in company at this time often find it difficult to hide the bloating that arises.

If the gases get out of hand and lead to painful problems, there are numerous remedies and methods that can be used to achieve relief.

Since the causes can vary extremely, it makes sense to try out several methods.

This is how to observe what exactly contributes to the development of flatulence.

1. Change diet

If you eat too much of flatulent foods every day, you will develop an excess of gases. This includes legumes, cabbage and onions, among others.

But the fructose in fruit can also cause flatulence, as can fresh bread and yeast pastries. Furthermore, excess gas occurs when eating dairy products, fish, meat and sausage.

Generally, meals that are too fatty, sweet or rich are hard on the stomach and difficult to digest.

Such foods lead to increased gas formation in the abdomen, as the existing enzymes cannot completely decompose the nutrients present and subsequently gas-forming bacteria become active.

2. Avoid certain drinks

Not only food, but also drinks can cause excessive flatulence. These include alcohol, fruit juices, carbonated drinks, coffee, black tea and whole milk.

It is better to drink still water and herbal teas, taking small sips and not being too hasty. Drinks should be neither too cold nor too hot; lukewarm or room temperature is ideal for digestion.

The quality of drinks and food is also important.

3. Eat with calm and enough time

Nowadays, most people eat too quickly or on the go from one appointment to another. Furthermore, meals are often eaten while sitting at the desk in front of the computer or television set.

Thus the eaten food is not perceived properly and there is not enough time to chew sufficiently.

In addition, when eating too quickly, an extremely large amount of air is swallowed; this circumstance manifests itself in the form of persistent flatulence.

If you eat too quickly, you don’t give your body enough time to tell you when you’re full. As a result, too much is eaten and the stomach is too full.

Subsequently, digestion is delayed and even more gases are formed.

Therefore, all meals should be eaten calmly and with plenty of time. Enjoy every meal in a relaxed and conscious way.

4. Use herbal medicines for effective treatment

For thousands of years, people have traditionally used certain medicinal plants for flatulence, such as Iberis amara, licorice root, caraway fruit, celandine, angelica root and milk thistle.

This can relieve not only the bloating, but also the associated discomfort such as abdominal pain.

In this regard, herbal medicines become active at different points in the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the action of medicinal plants regulates mobility during digestion, providing reliable as well as fast help.

5. Reduce flatulence through heat

Moderate heat has a beneficial effect on the human body. For acute bloating with abdominal pain and cramps, applying a cozy hot water bottle has proven effective.

Even more efficient is a combination of dry and moist heat. For this purpose, wrap the hot water bottle in a damp cloth, place both together on the abdomen and then cover well, so the heat is retained longer.

As an alternative, a heated cherry pit cushion can also be used. Take enough time for the heat treatment, lie comfortably and just relax.

6. Massage the belly

When there is a lot of bloating in the abdomen, an abdominal massage has a relaxing effect and reduces cramps.

However, do not perform the massage immediately after eating, but wait for digestion first. Always proceed very gently, as the abdominal region is sensitive, nothing should be painful.

A quiet and warm atmosphere in the room is ideal, as well as a comfortable supine position, either on the sofa or in bed.

Carefully palpate the upper and lower abdomen, seeking out sensitive or particularly hardened areas.

Gently massage these areas with small as well as circular movements, just like proceeding around the abdomen in a clockwise direction.

Kneading and massaging pushes the accumulated gases further and alleviates flatulence, allowing them to escape unhindered.

With a decongestant oil, the massage is even more pleasant and the beneficial effect increases.

7. Exercise and do sports regularly

Regular exercise and sports sessions keep the whole body fit, including digestion.

Even grandparents used to take a digestive walk after a meal to help the digestive process with the light and moderate exercise.

This way, the abdominal muscles are tensed and relaxed again, resulting in a gentle massage.

Directly after the meal, the walk should be short and not too strenuous, just 20 to 30 minutes are enough.

In this regard, certain yoga exercises can stimulate digestion and reduce flatulence.

This mobilizes the gastrointestinal tract so that the unpleasant gases escape more quickly.

8. Herbal teas help with flatulence

The preparation of herbal teas is simple and quick. Due to the warmth, the healing ingredients unfold particularly well and strengthen the relaxing effect.

In specialized shops there are special mixtures for the remedy of flatulence to obtain. Soothing chamomile tea with anise and fennel seeds has proven to be effective.

But also lemon balm, peppermint and yarrow help with unpleasant gas formation.