Old knowledge The little house doctor, self-treatment with homeopathy

Old knowledge and The little house doctor
The little house doctor (1927) the most necessary for the self-treatment of humans and animals with homeopathy, together with natural applications and diet.
Ancient knowledge Beginning of the 20. Century from my father Dr. med. homeop. Heinrich Will (1891-1971) with some of his texts.
My father was a doctor and homeopath and worked around from 1920, studied medicine and turned to homeopathy with full conviction, when Paracelsus was remembered again and he had some drastic experiences with homeopathy.
1950 (original text): “To give the readers practical instructions for the preservation of health again and again is a work of humanity and in our time more necessary than ever before, because the general mental depression and apathy weakens the life forces and opens the door to the diseases with it“.
My father had made it his business to make his many years of experience available to everyone.
He was particularly interested in making modern psychosomatics understandable to the people and thus familiarizing the readers with the forces that are present in themselves against the unavoidable, thousandfold damages of daily life, and in guiding them to use these forces.
It wants to convey those values which can keep healthy and ease the hard life of the present day.
(original text): “Prevention is possible only if the deepest causes of the diseases are known; the soul is involved as a simultaneous and causal factor“.
Further he wrote in 1950: “Homeopathy has spread from Germany throughout the world and has a large following in Germany itself. In German universities it had several chairs before the war, in America whole faculties, and eminent professors of medicine in many cultural countries have advocated it“.
My father describes that he recognized more and more clearly that the subconscious in the human personality is of paramount importance not only for the history of the world, but also for the disease process.
(original text): “Now that humanity has slid from a nature- and spirit-linked existence into civilization and technology, health is no longer something that can be taken for granted; instead, we must struggle and fight to preserve it, lest culture and the economy break down as a result of increasing illnesses“.
Dr. med. homoeop. Heinrich Will
Old knowledge and the little house doctor
The most necessary for the self-treatment of humans and animals with homeopathy along with natural applications and diet
Language: German
ISBN: 9783754939123
Format: non-fiction
Pages: 240